This laboratories introduces students to the field of communication engineering with sophisticated instruments like AF / RF generators, higher bandwidth oscilloscopes, frequency counters etc. The communication engineering laboratory deals with experiments in analog and digital communication. The students are introduced to different types of modulation techniques like AM and FM.A series of experiments are carried out in this laboratory, which include TDM, ASK, PSK, PAM, PPM and PLL.
In the digital electronics laboratory, the students are led to the interesting world of digital IC circuits. It facilities an in-depth analysis of sequential and combinational type of digital electronic circuits. This include circuits with flip flops, counters, shift registers, sequence generators, code converters etc.
This laboratory introduces the students to microprocessors, microcontrollers and assembly language programming. Various experiments with 8086 microprocessor and 8051 microcontroller, interfacing them with stepper motor, ADC, DAC etc. are carried out in laboratory. It also has the facility to train the students with macro assembler (MASM / TASM).
The microwave laboratory gives the students an exposure to the microwave equipment and components. Experiments such as VSWR measurement and determination of Klystron characteristics give the students a hand-on experiment on microwave systems.
Software laboratory aims at developing the programming skills of students with emphasis on technical computing and simulation software like MAT LAB, VHDL, PSPICE etc. This laboratory is equipped with PCs and accessories like. printers, scanners, LCD projectors etc. it also offers interment facilities of the students and staff of the department for acquainting them with latest technological trends and developments